Dunedin Public Libraries and the Dunedin Lebanese Community Present:
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- Art print1
- Audio94
- Book Reviews6
- Collection12
- Document11
- Ephemera514
- Ephemera Collation6
- Event122
- Family62
- Group47
- Index Card191197
- Paper...
- Otago Daily Times 68193
- Otago Witness 25977
- Evening Star 20583
- Hocken, Otago 2680
- Daily Telegraph 1485
- Weekender 1358
- Midweek 1204
- McIndoe - Otago 699
- Wilson, John. Reminiscences of the early settlement of Dunedin and South Otago 376
- Jubilee of Civic Government 327
- Otago Colonist 162
- Jubilee of Civic Govt. 132
- D. Reid 120
- Dunedin Weekender 67
- Obituaries 1936-46 66
- STAR 55
- Evening Star 7oclock edition 48
- Otago Guardian 42
- Dunedin Star Midweek 40
- Dunedin Star Weekender 39
- Critic 29
- Wilson- Reminiscences 26
- Otago Museum Annual Report 1940 20
- DCC Departmental Reports 1926-1927 19
- DCC Departmental Reports 1927-28 18
- Dunedin Leader 15
- Otago P. C. Gazette 13
- Otago Provincial Council Gazette 13
- Star (Christchurch) Dunedin edition 13
- DCC Departmental Reports 1908-09 12
- DCC Departmental Reports 1921-22 12
- DCC Departmental Reports 1928-1929 12
- DCC Departmental Reports 1937-38 12
- LIFE NZ 12
- DCC Departmental Reports 1922-23 11
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1933-34 11
- DCC Departmental Reports 1925-26 10
- DCC Departmental Reports 1931-1932 10
- DCC Departmental Reports 1935-1936 10
- DCC Departmental Reports 1936-1937 10
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1938-39 10
- DCC Departmental Reports 1916-17 9
- DCC Departmental Reports 1919-1920 9
- DCC Departmental Reports 1920-21 9
- DCC Departmental Reports 1923-24 9
- DCC Departmental Reports 1924-1925 9
- City of Dunedin, Jubilee of Civic Government 1865-1915 8
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1932-33 8
- Ann rept - Otago Museum 1940 7
- DCC Departmental Reports 1912-13 7
- DCC Departmental Reports 1915-16 7
- DCC Departmental Reports 1934-1935 7
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1939-40 7
- DCC Departmental Reports 1925- 1926 6
- DCC Departmental Reports 1934-35 6
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1929-30 6
- 1927-28 reports 5
- DCC Departmental Reports 1917-1918 5
- DCC Departmental Reports 1918-19 5
- DCC Departmental Reports 1929-30 5
- Eccles, Alfred. Donald Reid 5
- N.Z.R.S.A. Review 5
- Saturday Advertiser 5
- Colonist 4
- DCC Departmental Reports 1913-14 4
- DCC Departmental Reports 1924-25 4
- DCC Departmental Reports 1926-27 4
- DCC Departmental Reports 1932-33 4
- Morning Herald 4
- Otago Gazette 4
- Otago Mail 4
- Clutha Leader 3
- DCC Departmental Reports 1918-1919 3
- DCC Departmental Reports 1930-31 3
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1930-31 3
- Daily News 3
- Fulton - Medical Practice 3
- History of British aviation 1908-1914 3
- O. P. C. Gazette 3
- Queenstown Courier 3
- Roberts clippings 3
- 1929-30 reports 2
- Bathgate - Picturesque Dunedin 2
- D.C.C. Annual Reports 2
- DCC Departmental Reports 1914-15 2
- DCC Departmental Reports 1928-29 2
- DCC Departmental Reports 1930-1931 2
- DCC Departmental Reports 1933-34 2
- DCC Departmental Reports 1938-39 2
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1927-28 2
- Lyttelton Times 2
- N. Z. Dairy Exporter 2
- N.Z. Gazette 2
- New Zealand Medical Journal 2
- New Zealand Railway Magazine 2
- New Zealand Statutes 2
- Oamaru Times 2
- Obituaries 1936- 37 2
- Otago Provincial Council Votes & Proceedings 2
- Otago Votes & Proceedings 2
- Otago Witness jubilee number 1848-1898 2
- Triimble clippings 2
- 1919-20 Report 1
- Appendix to Otago Votes and Proceedings, 1873 session XXX II 1
- Auckland Star 1
- D.C.C. Annual reports 1926-27 1
- DCC Departmental Reports 1969-70 1
- DCC Departmental Reports 1922-1923 1
- DCC Departmental Reports 1939-40 1
- DCC Departmental Reports, 1928-29 1
- Diary of Dr Burns 1
- Illustrated N. Z. Herald 1
- Lands and Survey Department 1
- Mataura Ensign 1
- N. Z. Herald 1
- N. Z. Libraries 1
- New Zealand Gazette 1
- New Zealand Listener 1
- New Zealand Numismatic Journal 1
- North Otago Times 1
- Otago Museum Annual Report 1973 1
- Outlook 1
- Progressive architecture 1
- Registrar- Generals office, Register of Deaths, Wellington 1
- Southern Mercury 1
- The Australian Quarterly 1
- The Globe 1
- Theatre Arts 1
- Travel in New Zealand 1
- Weekly Scotsman 1
- White. Wingspread 1
- Wises New Zealand 1
Show More - Drawer...
- Anstice S Ardotov (Ship) 977
- Creagh J Cromwell 968
- DC Firms Regency Limousines DC F 967
- DC Firms Hallenstein Co DC Firms 963
- Ash E Automobile Assn 962
- Cymric Ship Davidson I 957
- Education NZ Education NZ Otago 956
- DC Allan Millar DC Firms H A Foote 949
- Chatten S Christie W 940
- Automobile Industry and Trade Av 938
- Black Boenicke A 937
- DC Schools Albany Street School 935
- Agriculture NZ Akers N 934
- Arenas M Ash C 934
- DC Lodging Houses DC Military 932
- Immigration emigration Inverarir 931
- Electric Power Plants NZ Ellison 930
- Melrose F Milford Haven 929
- Anderson B Anstey P 923
- Burghley Cactus and Succulent So 921
- DC Museum DC NZ Family Planning 921
- DC Buildings DC Chamber of Comme 920
- DC Libraries Public DC Local Gov 920
- Earthquakes NZ Education NZ 916
- Catto G Chatham Islands 912
- Oamaru Schools Olympic Games 912
- Carlappa K Cattle NZ 910
- DC Corinthian Park DC Crime and 910
- Boer War NZ 1899 1902 Bowles A 909
- Comper N Cooperatives 908
- DC Otago Early Settlers Assn DC 908
- DC Servants DC Social Work 908
- Schools NZ Scientology 908
- Aviemore Ball W 907
- DC Theatres Grand DC Traffic Dep 906
- Coe E Companies Reports Meetings 902
- Akhurst Charles Allan J 900
- DC Clubs and Socs Dunedin Toughl 900
- DC YMCA Earsscleugh Flat 900
- Eva C Falcke S 896
- Shipping NZ Shipwrecks Otka 896
- Bertaut C Biyase M 895
- Dueling DC Adventist Church 895
- DC Banks and Banking DC Botanica 891
- DC Otago University DC Poets 891
- Devo J Dixon Grant K 891
- Foreign Relations Frame J 891
- DC Railway Station DC Road Safet 890
- DC Traffic Regulations DC Water 890
- Coorey O Coulter J 888
- DC Crime and Criminals DC Educat 885
- Floods NZ Forder H 884
- Strikes and Lockouts Suffrage 884
- DC Roads DC Rotary Park 882
- Invercargill Ship Jackson N 881
- Bowles M Bremer W 880
- Bremner A Brooker L 880
- DC Expansion League DC Firms Ale 880
- DC Rowing DC Schools AFS 880
- DC Advertising DC Art 879
- Hospitals NZ Otago Prov Housing 878
- Munro I Musgrave J 878
- Allan J Anderson A 876
- Clutha Valley Cody M 875
- Aarnaes J Accident NZ Westland P 873
- DC NZ Historic Places Trust DC O 873
- Cron Cyclling 872
- Ballagh R Bartly F 871
- Turner L Upton S 870
- DC SPCA DC Temperance Hall 869
- DC Hillside Workshops DC Hospita 868
- Education NZ Southland Electric 866
- DC Education of Adults DC Exhibi 864
- DC Hotels Heffernans DC Knox Col 864
- Barmby T Batemen Chapman 861
- Bates B Begg Sisters 858
- Tonge G Trade Unions 856
- Brookes A Broxton Ship 855
- DC Tennis DC Theatres Globe 853
- National Anthem NZ Centenial 852
- South Africa Sports NZ 852
- Printing History NZ Purvis W 851
- Davidson J Deem J 849
- Coulter W Crayford K 848
- DC Water Supply DC Young Citizen 848
- DC Churches Assembly of God DC C 847
- DC Football DC Hillside Ex Servi 847
- Gairdner A Geddes W 843
- Tradesman Pseud Trials Murder 842
- DC Bowling DC Buildings 840
- Pitt A Pompallier Bishop 839
- Deen J Devlin T 838
- DC Presbyterian Church Andersons 837
- DC Hospitals Public DC Hotels Gr 836
- Mosgiel Mountaineering 836
- Wilson W Women in NZ 836
- Hundertwasser F Imlay L 835
- Bruce Burgess W 834
- Smith E Smyth W 833
- Sugar NZ Swanney MacPherson R 833
- Park J Paton W 832
- Sharp M Shipley J 832
- DC Schools North East Valley DC 831
- Taylor R Television 831
- Christison I Clark J 830
- Acclimatisation NZ Agricultural 827
- Smythe C South J 827
- DC Charitable Aid Board DC Churc 820
- Cadbury A Campbell C 819
- Ferguson I Finley J 819
- Sports NZ Stephen R 815
- Pene A Petroleum Industry + Trad 814
- Riverton Roads NZ Otago 813
- Fisher A Flood W 812
- Railroads NZ Auckland Prov Ramsa 812
- Campbell D Cargill Mt 811
- Godin A Gold Mines Mining NZ Ota 808
- DC Art Exhibitions DC Bands 807
- Clark K Clutha Valley 806
- Green Island G R Kennedy Ship 806
- Djerassi C Douglass W 804
- Matthews A Meat Industry Trade N 803
- Hanmer Harris J 802
- Falcon J Ferguson H 801
- Helm A Hewitt W 801
- McFarlane McInnes W 797
- Pusan Ship Rabbits 796
- Welch A Whispering Hope Ship 796
- Harris K Hawthorne S 795
- P.A.W Park I 793
- Wallace C Ward J 792
- Milford Sound Miller J 790
- Pond A Port Wyndham Ship 790
- Tricht G Turner K 790
- Doull A Dudson D 789
- Ward J Watson J 789
- NZ Politics Govt NZ Politics Gov 786
- Ramshaw K Ree I 785
- Throp M Tongariro Mt 783
- Gordon M Grainey W 782
- Maps Martin P 782
- Tansey J Taylor P 782
- Kennedy J King G 781
- Martin R Matthew M 777
- Otago Badminton Association Otag 776
- Reece A Reid W 776
- Seath D Sharp L 775
- Roads NZ Southland Province Robi 771
- Williden J Wilson V 770
- King H Knighton J 767
- Portal Lord Power T 766
- Gill Alfred Godfrey W 764
- Miller K Minn W 764
- Norrie Oamaru Products 760
- Robinson F Ross E 760
- Beggs A Berryman R 759
- Finlinson M Fish Trade 759
- McDonald B McFarland W 759
- Grainger A Green W 758
- McIntire C McKenzie A 758
- Stewart R Strikes and Lockouts 758
- Manson Mapourika 756
- McNeil Maguire T 754
- Wilding A Williamson W 754
- Wyllie A Zylstra L 754
- Hay Hellyer T 751
- Shipwrecks Our Hope Simmaes A 751
- Skiing NZ Smith D 751
- Rabbitt T Railroads 750
- Samoa Western School Uniforms 750
- Scillitoe A Seaspray Ship 750
- Leece J Libraries NZ National Li 749
- Lyall A McCalman J 747
- Mountains NZ Munro H 747
- Newspapers NZ Southland Prov Nor 747
- Telfer A Thompson I 747
- Urbain C Vlassoff M 747
- Grocery Trade Halkett Dawson A 745
- Libraries NZ Otago Province Liwt 745
- Macklam J Maclennan 745
- Woolford G Wylie W 745
- McKenzie B McKitterick W 744
- Mushrooms Nation L 744
- Vocational Guidance Waipori River 744
- DC Labour And Labouring Classes 743
- Otago Prov Industires Oysters 742
- Gold Mines Mining NZ Otago Mt Va 741
- Lord E Lwin T 741
- Meat Industry Trade NZ Melpome 741
- Moore R Mosey S 741
- Freemasons Gair W 740
- Lizzie Schooner Lorber V 740
- Thompson J Thrisp E 738
- DC Militia DC Municipal Dept 737
- DC Police and Police Stations DC 737
- McCambridge T McDonald A 733
- Power Pina Pringle W 733
- Ross F Royal Humane Society of N 733
- Stephens Stewart P 733
- Hislop J Holibar G 732
- Hall Hanly P 728
- Watson K Welbourn R 727
- Womens Auxiliary Air Force Wool 726
- Knights A Laing Meason G 725
- Petsel B Pitney W 725
- McLeod McNee W 716
- Royal Life Saving Society Ruxton 716
- Land Tenure NZ Southland Prov La 711
- Jones T Kaur R 710
- Kauri Kennedy I 710
- Jackson P Jenkin T 709
- Simmer Skiffington A 708
- Mahan R Mansholt S 706
- Laira Ship Land Tenure NZ Otago 704
- Geddis A Gilks J 702
- Jenkins A Johnston J 697
- Swans Tannstein Ship 697
- Patrick A Pendreigh J 694
- Moeraki Boulders Moore P 693
- Whitaker A Wildgoose J 693
- Richards H Riversdale 689
- Law NZ Otago Prov Lee Breeze II 686
- Waipu Wallace B 678
- Hoole C Hospitals NZ Canterbury 676
- Johnston L Jones S 675
- Ryall J Samoa 672
- Frame Janet Fremantle Star(Ship) 666
- Housing NZ Otago Humphry J 665
- Minney T Moeraki (Ship) 665
- Reidie D Richards G 664
- Hewlands J Hislop I 662
- Holidays NZ Hookham Y 662
- OMahoney D Otago Automobile Asso 652
- Ellvett C Euwe M 645
- Otago Maine Law League Otago Pro 542
- The New Zealand (Ship) Newspaper 542
- NZ Department of Lands Survey NZ 205
- NZ Ministry for the Environment 26
- Copy of Power Pina Pringle W 1
- Fuj test 1 1
Show More
- Paper...
- Letter29
- Manuscript111
- Map26
- Place...
- Newspaper cutting 56
- People124
- Photo9081
- Photographer...
- Paul S Allen 5807
- Jill Bowie 397
- Mark McGuire 201
- Dunedin Public Library 120
- Joy Baker 112
- Roger Barrowclough 106
- Kay Mercer 87
- Stacey Roughan 51
- Isaac family 44
- Otago Daily Times 40
- Trevor Pullar 38
- Family 37
- Burton Brothers, Dunedin 36
- Melanie Dick 34
- Anne-Maree Wigley 33
- Merrin Bath 33
- Raelene Inglis 29
- Cedars of Lebanon 28
- Otago Peninsula Museum 28
- George/ Langston family 24
- Margaret Woodford 24
- Paul Allen 21
- Evan Hastings 20
- unknown 19
- George family 18
- Langston family 15
- Aroha Novak 14
- Dunedin Police SAR Squad 14
- Ken Chilton 14
- Paul Donovan 14
- Taieri Mouth Amenities Society 14
- Emma Milburn 12
- Elise van Loon 11
- Ferg Campbell 11
- Paul Le Comte 11
- Muir and Moodie, Dunedin 10
- Morris, 175 George Street, Dunedin 9
- Woodford family 9
- Jane Neville 8
- Joseph family 8
- Kay Mercer 8
- Nicky Page 8
- Ginutis Procuta 7
- Joseph / Peters family 7
- Muir and Moody Dunedin, NZ 7
- ODT 7
- Southern Heritage Trust 7
- Taieri Historical Museum 7
- Alison Breese 5
- Ann Woolliams 5
- Corbin Barringer 5
- Farry family 5
- George/Langston family 5
- Images from Zelda Matheson's private collection 5
- Jo Galer 5
- John Caswell 5
- Kovido Maddick 5
- Pam Murray 5
- Rowan Leck 5
- Tracy Griffith 5
- Allan Silvestro 4
- Anthony Breese 4
- Gordon studios, Broadway, Dunedin 4
- Idour Family 4
- Jan Philip Raath 4
- John Burke 4
- Paul Bowie 4
- Phillip George 4
- Raymond Fajardo 4
- Suraya Langston 4
- Suzanne Kallil 4
- Tania Wright 4
- Taste Nature 4
- Trevor Douglas 4
- Triccia Valerio 4
- Alan Ritchie 3
- Coxhead, Dunedin 3
- Elizabeth (Betty) White 3
- Facoory family 3
- Farry Family 3
- Jack Welsh & Sons 3
- Jenny McDonald 3
- Lynn Clayton 3
- Peters family 3
- Phillipa Karn 3
- Ramsay family 3
- Sally Pope 3
- Simon Pickford 3
- Sydney Benjamin Taylor 3
- Universal Studios (Chalmers Watson) Octagon, Dunedin 3
- W N Blaikie, Princes St, Dunedin 3
- A.W. Bathgate photo 2
- American Photo Coy., Princes St. & George St, Dunedin 2
- Barbara Family 2
- Blaikie 2
- Blueskin Bay Community library 2
- Bros. Burton Dunedin. 2
- Burton Bros. Dunedin. 2
- Clifford & Morris, Fleet St, Dunedin 2
- Damon Farry 2
- Emma Caradus 2
- Halbouty family 2
- Harry Brotherton 2
- James Hamilton 2
- Jodie Gibson 2
- Laurie Emma Cope 2
- London Portrait Rooms Princes St. Dunedin Otago NZ. 2
- London Portrait Rooms, Princes St. Dunedin 2
- Mc Robie Studios 2
- Michelle Chalklin-Sinclair 2
- Mildred Caringal 2
- Motohide Miyahara 2
- Pattillo, Dunedin 2
- Peter McIntosh 2
- Quality prints, Dunedin 2
- Raymond Lynde 2
- Stephen Jaquiery 2
- The Falk studios, Melbourne 2
- Unknown 2
- Wrigglesworth & Binns. Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin. 2
- unknown 2
- Sal Criscillo 1
- 1972 1
- Albert Tissandier 1
- Alison Petrie 1
- Allan McKay 1
- Andrena Davis 1
- Armstrong photo 1
- Auckland Star 1
- Audrey Campbell 1
- Australasian Photo Company Arcade Timaru 1
- Barry Kelk, Dunedin 1
- Bartlett, Dunedin 1
- Batchelder and O'Neill, 41, Collins Street, East, Melbourne 1
- Bathgate, Fairfield, Dunedin 1
- Belwood Bridal & Portrait Studio Ltd., Auckland. 1
- Beverley Studios 1
- Bob Woodford 1
- Bros, Burton, Dunedin NZ. 1
- Bundo Family 1
- C.M. Collins, NZ 1
- Campbell Invercargill NZ. 1
- Campbell photography Ltd Dunedin 1
- Cargill Enterprises 1
- Carolyn Birch 1
- Casey Thomas 1
- Chas. Sorrel Dickens St Napier 1
- Chris Dempsey 1
- Chriss Thomas 1
- Christine Cook 1
- Clifford & Son. Arcade Dunedin N.Z. 1
- Concord Kindergarten 1
- Coxhead Photo Dunedin. 1
- Craig Arthur 1
- Craig Baxter ODT 1
- D. A. De' Maus, Port Chalmers 1
- David De Maus 1
- Debbie Lancaster Gordon 1
- Dunedin Photo Review 1
- Dunedin Public Libraries 1
- E A Phillips 1
- E A Phillips (photographer) 1
- Emma Newall 1
- Esquilant photo, Dunedin 1
- Evening Star, Dunedin 1
- Exchange Court Studio, Dunedin 1
- Exchange Court Studios, Dunedin. W.Esquilant Manager. 1
- F Neilson 1
- F W Edwards, Auckland 1
- F. L. Jones, George Street, Dunedin. 1
- F. Palazzi Fotografo 1
- Facoory Family 1
- Family 1
- Franz Dunedin. 1
- George family 1
- Gordon Real Photo Series 1
- Gordon Studio Dunedin. 1
- Graham Ward, Christchurch 1
- Guy Photo. 1
- Guy, Dunedin 1
- H T Smith Photography 1
- H. J. Gill Hyde Street Dunedin. NZ 1
- Henriette Hafermann 1
- Hi-Lyte photographers 1
- Hilary Shanks 1
- Ian W McRobie Dunedin 1
- J McGregor & Co, Stuart St, Dunedin 1
- J Webster Capitol Building Dunedin 1
- J. Ireland of Perth Australia. 1
- J. McGregor & Co.Stuart St, Dunedin 1
- J.E. Mayall, 164, New Bond St, London. 91, Kings Road, Brighton 1
- J.McGregor & Co, Stuart St, Dunedin 1
- Jackie St. John 1
- Jacqueline Legros 1
- Jane Dawber 1
- Jas, J. Webster 1
- Jas. Webster, Dunedin 1
- Jays Photography Forest Rd, Takapuna, Auckland 1
- Jessica de Heij 1
- Johnstone O'Shannessy & Co, Melbourne 1
- Judi McKay 1
- Kapai studio, Dunedin 1
- Kate Burton 1
- L.W. Edwards Queen & Victoria Sts. Auckland N.Z. 1
- Lynn Vare 1
- Marilyn Egerton 1
- Mary Langston 1
- McDiarmid family 1
- Megan Thomas 1
- Michael de Hamel 1
- Mirams Family 1
- Mr D. Hanning 1
- Mumu Moore 1
- Neville Studios Ltd 1
- New Zealand PostCard 1
- Nick Blair 1
- North and South magazine 1
- Olivia Breese 1
- Otago Daily Times 1
- Pall Mall Photo Studio, Cairo 1
- Parisian Portraits Sydney 1
- Pattillo of Dunedin & Timaru 1
- Paul S Allen; Izumi Schmidt 1
- R. Clifford, Fleet Street, Dunedin 1
- R. Mahan & Co. Photo Artists. Tee St. Oamaru. 1
- Rembrandt studio, George street, Dunedin 1
- Robert Kilgour Photographers, Cromwell. 1
- Ruby Oskam 1
- Russell Campbell 1
- Rutherford & Co. Dunedin. (Murion Inep. Paris.) 1
- Sarony, Melbourne 1
- Search and Rescue Dogs Otago 1
- Sears' Studios St. Kilda, Melbourne 1
- Source 1
- Source 1
- Stewart and co, Melbourne 1
- Sutcliffe Photography, Auckland, New Zealand 1
- T. Humphrey & Co, Melbourne 1
- Taieri Herald 1
- The Phillips Candid Camera Service, Dunedin 1
- The Weekly 1
- Thomas family 1
- Tracey Coertse 1
- Tuttle & Co. 84 Elizabeth St., Melbourne and at 65 Rundle St, Adelaide 1
- Walena Taouk Family 1
- Walter J Thompson Advertising Ltd. 1
- Warwick Biggs, NSW 1
- Watson Studio 1
- Wendy Blackford 1
- West Taieri Rugby Club 1
- Woodford Family 1
- Wrigglesworth & Binns. 1
- Yeoman & Co., 169 Bourke St., East Melbourne. 1
- Z Energy 1
- Zachary Sullivan 1
- Zita Ramsay 1
- c1900 1
- de Clifford, Savoy Building, Moray Place, Dunedin 1
- paul S Allen 1
- the Globe 1
- the Globe and Mail 1
Show More - Place...
- Octagon, Dunedin 610
- South Dunedin 582
- Dunedin City Library 332
- Birch Street, Dunedin 272
- Dunedin 268
- Plato restaurant, Dunedin 268
- Queens Gardens, Dunedin 236
- Toitū Otago Settlers Museum 231
- King Edward Street, South Dunedin 173
- Dunedin Gasworks Museum 170
- Princes Street, Dunedin 146
- King Edward Street, South Dunedin 143
- Braemar Street, South Dunedin 138
- Vogel Street, Dunedin 116
- Olveston 110
- Taieri Historical Society Park 108
- Waipori Power Station 96
- Dunedin Botanic Garden 94
- Waipori Falls 93
- Dunedin Public Library 87
- The Oval, Dunedin 87
- Dunedin Community Gallery 75
- Warehouse Precinct 74
- Macandrew Road, South Dunedin 55
- Growsouth - Bathgate Park School Community Garden 54
- Waipori River 51
- Waitati, Otago 51
- South Dunedin Community Pop up 48
- Outram, Otago 44
- Waipori river 43
- Otago Peninsula 42
- Taieri Mouth, Dunedin 42
- Cargill Enterprises 40
- Taieri River 40
- Central Otago, New Zealand 39
- Otago Harbour 39
- Bathgate Park School 38
- The Cedar club, Stafford street, Dunedin 36
- Royal Terrace 34
- George Street, Dunedin 32
- First Church of Otago 30
- Maniototo, Central Otago 28
- Dunedin Railway Station 27
- Warrington, Dunedin 27
- Smaills Beach, Dunedin 26
- Antarctica 25
- Bank of New Zealand Building 24
- Catlins, South Otago 24
- Auckland, New Zealand 23
- Moray Place, Dunedin 22
- Blueskin Bay Public Library 20
- Dunedin Town Hall 20
- Taieri Beach 20
- Mt Aspiring National Park 19
- Waitati 19
- Castle Street 18
- Dunedin Central Fire Station 18
- Naseby 18
- St Michael, the Archangel, Dunedin, New Zealand 18
- St Clair, Dunedin 17
- St Joseph's Cathedral, Rattray St, Dunedin 17
- St Kilda, Dunedin 17
- Taieri Plains 17
- Kahuika, Catlins, South Otago 16
- Karetai Road, Highcliff 16
- Regent Theatre 16
- Waikouaiti Community Library 16
- Anderson's Bay, Dunedin 15
- Highcliff, Dunedin 15
- Port Chalmers 15
- West Taieri, Otago 15
- Anzac Square, Dunedin 14
- Fletcher Lodge, Dunedin 13
- John Wilson Ocean Drive, St Kilda 13
- Lake Mahinerangi 13
- Livingstonia Park 13
- Moray Place 13
- Port Chalmers Public Library 13
- Forbury Park Raceway 12
- Middlemarch 12
- Mosgiel, Dunedin 12
- Moturata (Taieri Island) 12
- Victoria Road, St Kilda 12
- 75 Crawford Street, Dunedin 11
- McMurdo Station, Antarctica 11
- Middlemarch Museum 11
- Otago Peninsula Museum 11
- Outram Glen, Otago 11
- Quarantine Island, Dunedin 11
- Queens Garden, Dunedin 11
- Taieri Historical Museum 11
- Century Theatre 10
- Ocean Beach Railway 10
- Portobello, Otago Peninsula 10
- Robert Lord Writers Cottage 9
- Taioma Camp, Taieri 9
- Aspiring Hut, Mt Aspiring National Park 8
- Becharre (Bcharre) 8
- Carisbrook, Dunedin 8
- Knarston Park 8
- Stuart Street, Dunedin 8
- Whare Flat, Otago 8
- Anzac Avenue, Dunedin 7
- Hope Street, Dunedin 7
- Lawyers Head, Dunedin 7
- Lithuania 7
- Mosgiel 7
- Saint Barnabas Anglican Church, Warrington 7
- St Bathans 7
- St Kilda 7
- Taieri River Gorge 7
- The Cedars of Lebanon Grove 7
- Waipori Falls School 7
- 205 Princes Street 6
- 49 Water Street, Dunedin 6
- Carroll street ,Dunedin 6
- High Street, Dunedin 6
- Logan Park, Dunedin 6
- Presbyterian Church, Outram 6
- Taieri Historical Society Park (Reservoir Hill) 6
- Waiora, Whare Flat, Otago 6
- Wanaka, New Zealand 6
- Alexandra, Central Otago 5
- Chingford Park, Dunedin 5
- Forsyth Barr Stadium 5
- Lan Yuan, Dunedin Chinese Garden 5
- Octagon Theatre 5
- Silver Stream, Dunedin 5
- Southern Cemetery, Dunedin 5
- St Michael the Archangel Antiochian Orthodox Church, Dunedin, New Zealand 5
- Taieri Historial Society Museum 5
- Temuka, South Canterbury 5
- Wellington, New Zealand 5
- Woodhaugh Gardens, Dunedin 5
- 5 Mountfort Street, Outram - Former Bank of Otago 4
- Anzac Avenue 4
- Apothecary Hall, 10 Hoylake Street, Outram 4
- Balmoral, Outram 4
- Cargill's Castle, Dunedin 4
- Chingford Stables, Dunedin 4
- Dunedin Public Hospital 4
- Oamaru 4
- Otago Museum 4
- Outram 4
- Outram Hotel, Holyhead Street, Outram 4
- Outram Library 4
- Portsmouth Drive, Dunedin 4
- Post Office, Holyhead Street, Outram 4
- Presbyterian Church Hall, Outram 4
- Silver Stream, Otago 4
- St Kilda Surf Lifesaving Club 4
- St Thomas Anglican Church, Outram 4
- Swampy Summit, Otago 4
- Taste Nature, Dunedin 4
- The Smithy, Hoylake Street, Outram 4
- Tomahawk Beach, Dunedin 4
- Waironga Springs, North Taieri 4
- Ashburton, New Zealand 3
- Bath Street, Dunedin 3
- Berwick 3
- Berwick, Otago 3
- Catholic Church building (St Teresa of the Child Jesus), Holyhead Street, Outram 3
- Central Methodist Church and Mission 3
- Civic Centre, Dunedin 3
- Colonial Bank Building, Holyhead Street, Outram 3
- Dart river, Otago 3
- Dunedin Public Art Gallery 3
- Grand Theatre 3
- Heritage Coffee, Vogel Street, Dunedin 3
- Kings High School 3
- Market Reserve, Dunedin 3
- Mayfair Theatre 3
- Naseby, Maniatoto 3
- North East Valley, Dunedin 3
- Otakou 3
- Palmyra - Stafford St, Dunedin 3
- Pounawea, Catlins, Otago 3
- Princes Street, Rattray Street and High Street 3
- Rattray Street, Dunedin 3
- Scott base, McMurdo station, Antarctica 3
- Shotover river, Otago 3
- St Clair Dunedin 3
- Tahakopa 3
- Taieri Historical Society Museum 3
- 2 Beaumaris Street, Outram - former home of the town doctor, Dr Wyllie 2
- 6 Vogel Street, Dunedin 2
- Akatore Creek 2
- Aramoana, Otago 2
- Bcharre 2
- Bell Tea Company, Dunedin 2
- Bendigo Mine Site 2
- Brighton, Dunedin 2
- Burns House 2
- Caledonian room, South Dunedin 2
- Carnegie Centre 2
- Castle Street, Dunedin 2
- Caversham, Dunedin 2
- Chingford Park 2
- Coastal Otago 2
- Company Bay 2
- Crawford Street, Dunedin 2
- Dunedin Botanical Gardens 2
- Dunedin Police Station 2
- Dunedin Railway station 2
- East Taieri, Mosgiel, Dunedin 2
- Fiordland 2
- Forbury Park Trotting Club 2
- Gordon Road, Mosgiel 2
- Gore 2
- Henley 2
- Henley, Dunedin 2
- John Wilson Ocean Drive, Dunedin 2
- Macandrew Bay, Dunedin 2
- Manor Place, Dunedin 2
- Maori Maiden Leap 2
- National Mortgage Agency Building, Dunedin 2
- National Mortgage Agency building, Dunedin 2
- North Taieri 2
- North Taieri, Otago 2
- Old Man Range 2
- Otago Boys' High School 2
- Otakou, Dunedin 2
- Otokia, Otago 2
- Outram bridge West Taieri Otago NZ. 2
- Papatowai 2
- Quaratine Island, Dunedin 2
- Queenstown, New Zealand 2
- Rattray Street 2
- Richard Hudson Kindergarten 2
- Sammy's 2
- Silverpeaks, Otago 2
- St Bernadette's Catholic Church, Forbury Rd, Dunedin. 2
- St Joseph's Hall, Rattray street, Dunedin 2
- University of Otago 2
- View Street, Dunedin 2
- Waikouaiti 2
- "Brownlea" Riccarton Road, East Taieri, Mosgiel 1
- "Duddingston" North Taieri, Otago NZ 1
- "Elmgrove" property, Riverside, Taieri Plains 1
- "Elmgrove" property, Riverside, Taieri Plains, New Zealand 1
- "Liberton" Gladstone Road, Mosgiel 1
- 1 Grey Street, Port Chalmers 1
- 11 Wansbeck Street and Tyne Street 1
- 110 Moray Place, Dunedin 1
- 199-223 Stuart Street and 118-120 Moray Place 1
- 199-223 Stuart Street and 118-120 Moray Place, Dunedin 1
- 205 Princes Street, Dunedin 1
- 25 Usk Street 1
- 280 Cumberland Street, Dunedin 1
- 43 Jetty Street, Dunedin 1
- 62 Wansbeck Street and 20 Towey Street 1
- Adonis, Lebanon 1
- Albany Street, Dunedin 1
- Allans Beach Road 1
- Allied Press 1
- Anderson's bay 1
- Anzac Square Gardens 1
- Aoraki, Mt Cook, New Zealand 1
- Apothecary Hall, Outram 1
- Arthur Street, Dunedin 1
- Bathgate Park School 1
- Becharre 1
- Berwick (formerly Waipori Lakes) Otago 1
- Bethunes Gully 1
- Big Hut, Rock and Pillar Range 1
- Bird Island, Dunedin 1
- Bombay Street, Dunedin 1
- Bond Street, Dunedin 1
- Braemar Street, Dunedin 1
- Broad Bay 1
- Broad Bay, Otago Peninsula 1
- Bruce Street, Mosgiel 1
- Cadbury Factory, Dunedin 1
- Canongate, Dunedin 1
- Cargill Street, Mosgiel 1
- Cargill's Corner, South Dunedin 1
- Carisbrook 1
- Caversham 1
- Cenotaph 1
- Central Otago 1
- Centre Road, Ocean Grove 1
- Christchurch 1
- Coalpit Dam 1
- Cromwell, Otago 1
- Cumberland Street, Dunedin 1
- D/unedin Community Gallery 1
- Dowling Street, Dunedin 1
- Dunbar Street, Dunedin 1
- Dunedin Chief Post Office 1
- Dunedin City Electricity Department 1
- Dunedin Civic Centre 1
- Dunedin High And District Court 1
- Dunedin Law Courts 1
- Dunedin NZ 1
- Dunedin North 1
- Dunedin Prison 1
- Dunedin Rugby Club 1
- Dunedin School of Art 1
- Dunedin South Presbyterian Church 1
- East Taieri school 1
- East Taieri, Mosgiel ,Dunedin 1
- Emergency Operation Centre - Dunedin City 1
- Eyre Mountains 1
- Fairfield 1
- Fairlight Railway Station 1
- Fernhill 1
- Fish Street, Dunedin 1
- Fitzroy Street 1
- Five Roads corner, Mosgiel 1
- Flagstaff, Dunedin 1
- Forsyth Barr Stadium, Dunedin 1
- Gasworks Museum 1
- George Street Dunedin 1
- Gordon Road Mosgiel 1
- Green Hut, Silverpeaks, Otago 1
- Harbour Cone 1
- Harbour Mouth Molars 1
- Heriot Row, Dunedin 1
- Highcliff 1
- Highcliff Road, Shiel Hill 1
- Hillside Road, South Dunedin 1
- His Majesty's Theatre / Sammy's 1
- Hocken Collections, University of Otago 1
- Holy Cross College Mosgiel, Dunedin 1
- Hoylake Street, Outram 1
- Ida Valley, Central Otago 1
- Invermay Mosgiel Otago NZ 1
- John Bull Gully 1
- John Wilson Ocean, St Kilda 1
- Jounieh, Lebanon 1
- Kaikorai Valley, Dunedin 1
- Karetai Road 1
- Karitane, Otago 1
- Kerry Street 1
- King Edward Technical College, Dunedin 1
- Kingston 1
- Kitchener Street, Dunedin 1
- Kuri Bush 1
- Kurow, Otago 1
- Lake Ohau, New Zealand 1
- Lake Waihola, Clutha district 1
- Larnach Castle 1
- Lauder 1
- Leckie's Butchers 1
- Lee Stream, Outram 1
- Leith Street 1
- Leith Walk 1
- Liverpool Street, Dunedin 1
- London, United Kingdom 1
- Long Beach, Dunedin 1
- Loop Road 1
- Lovelock Avenue, Dunedin 1
- Lviv, Ukraine 1
- Macandrew Road 1
- Mackenzie basin 1
- Maclaggan Street 1
- Main Road, East Taieri 1
- Maitland Street, Dunedin 1
- Maniototo 1
- Mano Place, Dunedin 1
- Martin Road, Fairfield 1
- Matarae Military Camp 1
- Methodist Church , Hillside road, South Dunedin 1
- Moana Tennis Club, City Road, Dunedin 1
- Mornington Methodist Church 1
- Morris Road, Mosgiel Junction 1
- Mosgiel 1
- Mosgiel Library 1
- Mosgiel-Wingatui 1
- Mountfort Street, Outram 1
- Mt Dasher, North Otago 1
- Natural History New Zealand (NHNZ) 1
- New Zealand Insurance Company Building (Former) 1
- North Dunedin 1
- Northern Cemetery, Dunedin 1
- Ocean Grove, Dunedin 1
- Octagon 1
- Octagon Dunedin 1
- Olivine Plataeu 1
- Otakou 1
- Outram Hollyhead Street 1
- Outram Hotel Outram Otago NZ 1
- Outram War Memorial Hoylake/Holyhead Street, Outram 1
- Outram bridge West Taieri 1
- Paerau (Styx) 1
- Picnic Gully 1
- Pitt Street, Dunedin 1
- Port Chalmers Yacht Club 1
- Portobello 1
- Portobello Road, Dunedin 1
- Princess Theatre / (old) St James Theatre 1
- Pukehiki, Otago Peninsula 1
- Purakaunui 1
- Quarry Road, Mosgiel 1
- Queens Gardens 1
- Queens building, Princes street, Dunedin 1
- Ranfurly 1
- Riverside, Taieri Plains, Otago 1
- Robbie's Bar and Bistro, South Dunedin 1
- Rock and Pillar 1
- Ross Creek 1
- Ross Creek Resevoir, Dunedin 1
- Rotary Park 1
- Roxburgh 1
- Roxburgh 1
- Saddle Hill 1
- Sandfly Bay, Dunedin 1
- Savoy hotel, Dunedin 1
- Security Building, Dunedin 1
- Shepherds Creek 1
- Shiel Hill, Dunedin 1
- Silverstream Taieri Plains Dunedin NZ 1
- South Dunedin 1
- Southern Cemetary, Dunedin 1
- Southern Reservoir, Dunedin 1
- St Bathans Post Office 1
- St Clair Surf Club 1
- St Francis Xaviour Church, Mornginton, Dunedin 1
- St James Place, Fairfield 1
- St John , Dunedin 1
- St Joseph's Cathedral 1
- St Joseph's Christian Brothers School, Dunedin 1
- St Leonards, Dunedin 1
- St Paul's Cathedral 1
- St Paul's Cathedral, Dunedin 1
- St Pauls Cathedral, Dunedin, New Zealand 1
- Stafford Street 1
- Stafford Street, Dunedin 1
- Stafford Street, Dunedin 1
- Stavely building, Dunedin 1
- Stock Exchange Building 1
- Stuart Street 1
- Tahuna Road, Tainui 1
- Taieri Ferry 1
- Taieri Mouth 1
- Tainui School 1
- Tainui, Dunedin 1
- Tasman Glacier 1
- Tautuku, Catlins, South Otago 1
- Technical Old Boys Club Rooms Culling Park South Dunedin 1
- Teviot Valley 1
- The Century 1
- The Empire / St James Theatre 1
- The Gasworks Museum, South Dunedin 1
- The Octagon, Dunedin 1
- Trustpower 1
- Tyne Street 1
- Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand building 1
- University of Otago Clock Tower Building 1
- Victoria Road, St Clair 1
- Waikaia 1
- Waikaia, Gore. 1
- Waikouaiti Beach, North Otago 1
- Waipiata 1
- Waipiata, Central Otago 1
- Waipori No 2 Supply tunnel 1
- Waipori Power Station No. 1 spillway 1
- Waipori River, Otago 1
- Who Ate All the Pies 1
- Wingatui 1
- Wingatui, Dunedin 1
- Woodside Outram Otago NZ 1
- pop 1
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